Monday, June 14, 2010

Is the new trend of comic blogs replacing newspaper?

Nowadays, in a world where audiences need more entertainment to let themselves get entertain such as comic blog. Comic blog is a blog which updated its comic everyday without fail. It gives the readers a lot of time to build up the affection of comics (Molina 2009). Moreover, I believe that comic can attract the attention of audiences easily. Fruhlinger (n.d.) stated that he had once started to hate a comic but most of the time he actually starts to love it. There are more newspaper cartoonists had become freelancer cartoonists. Owens (2009) stated that in early 2007, the comic was picked up for newspaper syndication but in 2008, it went back to the web-only version. According to Owens (2009), he claims that the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists Convention has had the flavor of a wake as cartoonists mourn the loss of full-time newspaper positions. Owens (2009) also declared that many newspapers used to cover the cost of their cartoonists attending the long, four-day AAEC Convention and cartoonists have to find a way to cover the cost on their own in these days.

Besides, comics in these days not merely sell story but also sell merchandisers. The web comic is a kind of loss leader for the print product which gathers fans that can be turned into the paying customers (Owens 2009). The social media platforms build buzz, boost business and serve small business as low-cost maketing tools (Thomas 2009). Trevino (2010) affirms it is proven that small business owners can use an online marketing tool to increase interest and sales among their customers. Based on Owens (2009), he states that he might do a comic of eight panels of people digressing and if he gets a lot of feedbacks from readers, he will try to transfer a line from the comic into a shirt. Below is one of the examples of comic blog:

On the other hand, some cartoonists might find that the web is a useful tool that can generate readers interest (Molina 2009). Owens (2009) utter that comic will come along to replace newspapers which have been able to do whatever the newspapers do. Furthermore, newspapers are dying and the syndication model is dying as well and comics is going to replace it (Owens 2009). In my opinion, comic blogs and newspaper are both important and irreplaceable.


Molina 2009,, Newspaper Cartoonists Engage Audiences (Including Haters) Online, viewed 14 June 2010,

Owens 2009,, What Newspaper Cartoonists Can Learn from Web Comics, viewed 14 June 2010,

Thomas 2009, Web Marketing Today, Social Media Marketing for Small Business, viewed 16 June 2010,

Trevino 2010, Small Company Big Image, Rev-up Your Small Business Website with an Online Video, viewed 16 June 2010,

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