Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New Forms of Media Publishing

New media define as new methods of communication in the digital world allow a group of people to congregate online and share, sell and swap goods and information (PCmag.com). Nowadays, the development of media are as fast as technology, thus the new media are slowly take over the conventional media in the society. For examples of new media are Facebook, Tweeter, online newspapers and so on.

Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites and is uniquely recognized as a resource for locating persons (Mark-Shane Scale). Other than that, Facebook is the fifth-most trafficked site on the internet worldwide and the second-most trafficked social media site in the world which claiming more than 70 million active users include me and you (facebook.com). The newsfeed feature in Facebook also helps to keep friends and colleagues updated on activities and get to know each other more than everyday working and studying life (Allison Faix, Jamie M, Lisa Hartman).

Online newspaper:
Online newspaper is a website provides news information for the reader through the internet. Instead of touchable newspaper, online newspaper allows people to update the latest news everywhere, every time as long as they have internet. Research proved that the usability and familiarity on the websites do influence the reader attribute but not the reputation, privacy and trust of the websites (Carlos Flavián, Raquel Gurrea).


Allison Faix, Jamie M, Lisa Hartman 2009, “Crashing the Facebook Party,” Kimbel Library, Coastal Carolina University, Conway, South Carolina, USA, vol.58.

Carlos Flavián, Raquel Gurrea 2008, “Reading Newspaper on the Internet: the Influence of Websites Attributes”, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, Vol.18

Facebook.com, “Press Room”, n.d..

Mark-Shane Scale 2008, “Facebook as a social search engine and the implications for libraries in the twenty – first century” Library and Information Studies, University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica, Vol.26.

PCmag.com, “Definition of New Media,”, viewed April 20 2010, http://www.pcmag.com/encyclopedia_term/0,2542,t=new+media&i=47936,00.asp.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Blogging Communities

Bloggers refers to a group of people that communicate through internet and 'online community' implied a community who interacted online within some bounded set of technologies. There are three types of communities which is the Single Centric Community, the Central Connecting Topic Community and the Boundaried Community. Let me briefly discuss the 3 types of communities:

Single Centric community
The one blog is owned by one owner or organisation. There may be more than one blogger writing a blog, but this is not an aggregation of blogs. For example, I create a blog and talk about cake cuisine. Ashley, one of the readers share with me that she likes to eat cheese cake and she hope that I can teach how to make her favourite cake.

Central Connecting Topic Community
This form is a community that arises between blogs linked by a common passion or topic.

Boundaried Communities
Typically members register and 'join' the community and are offered the chance to create a blog. It can be use by a club blog or social blog.

White, N 2005, Blogs and community " launching a new paradigm for online community?", viewed 19 April 2010, http://kt.flexiblelearning.net.au/tkt2006/edition-11-editorial/blogs-and-community-%E2%80%93-launching-a-new-paradigm-for-online-community.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Classification of Blogs

Everyone has different reasons for them to create a blog. Hence, there are different types of blogs. The classification system of types of blogs:

1. Subject Matter
a. Politics, eg: The Wardman Wire
b. Fashion, eg: Fashioning
c. History, eg: World History
d. Law, eg: Above the Law

2. Device
Moblog, eg: Clotilde's Moblog

3. Media Type
a. Vlog is a blog that provide videos to share with readers. For example: Fusion Vlog
b. Linklog is a blog that contain links that allow readers to click and link it to another webpages. For example: Jennifer's Linklog
c. Sketchlog is a blog that have drawings and sketches to share with the readers. For example: Lubasa Sketchlog
d. Tumblelogs is a blog that contain pictures and links which also simple and short for readers to understand easily. For example: Anarchaia

4. Status of Publishers
a. Business blogs, eg: Vemma Internet Business
b. Corporate blogs, eg: Novell

In my opinion, subject matter is a good method of classification. It is easier for readers to understand the blog because the blog will only talk about specific topic.

Hewitt, J.C. 2007, "Blogging as a Publishing Business: Subject Matter Blogs", viewed 13 April 2010, http://poewar.com/blogging-as-a-publishing-business-subject-matter-blogs/.

Librari*s & Blogs 2004, "Types of Blogs", viewed 13 April 2010, http://www.slais.ubc.ca/COURSES/libr500/03-04/wt2/www/J_Thomson/types.htm.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Phenomenon and Benefits of Blogging to the Community

Nowadays, blogs are a common thing for individuals. There are a lot of people who have a blog these days. Blogs are personal websites that individuals use to share latest news, headlines, links and diary entries. (Werbach 2001) Blogs have become a trend that everyone will use it to communicate. People use blogs to share their interests, some people will share their feelings through blogs as well. Besides, there are online journalists that write about businesses, political and so forth. Each day, there are about 9 million blogs that were on the web. Most of the blogs will even provide links for readers to view other webpages. Some people will update their blogs within an hour, a day, a week or some will even update it at once. (Pinto 2002) The research states that readers trust the content from a blog for purchase decisions more than the content from a social networking site. Moreover, the readers think that the information that from a blog is more useful compare to information from a social networking site.

Source: Marketing Charts


James. M "The blogging Phenomenon", viewed 12 April 2010, http://www.ajy.net/jmb/blogphenomenon.htm.

Jim.P 2005, "Blog phenomenon all around", viewed 12 April 2010, http://www.isa.org/Content/ContentGroups/News/20051/Sepetember29/Pintos_Point_Blog_phenomenon_all_around.htm

Jupiter reasearch," Blog influences Consumer purchases more than social network", viewed 12 April 2010 http://www.marketingcharts.com/onilne/blogs-influence-consumer-purchases-more-than-social-networks-6616/.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Document Design

What is a good document design?
From my viewpoint, a good document design should have a good content with specific information that support the topic. A good document will presented in correct grammar and positive issue. According to Anderson, A good document will helps readers to narrow out the main point of the document to the readers. Besides, a good doucument might help readers to think positively and encourage readers to read. ( Anderson. 1987)

In this post, I will discuss about how to produce a good document design by using the Composition to help readers work well in reading and create a document. ( Shriver, 1997)

I will using some of the slides from a course mate's presentation for example to discuss.

In this slides, the readers can seperate the headings and sub-headings easily according to the fon't size and color of the font type. Readers directly get the purpose of the slides because the headings is clear and the color chosen is sharp.

Shriver (1997) states that Effective typography means readable and legible, the apperance of text, headings and paragraphs affects the way readers apporach and understand the content.

The composition of this document is well arranged because it clearly seperate the part discussed so that readers won't confuse in reading. This helps readers to avoid missunderstanding and enjoys the reading!


Anderson, P 1987, " Technical Writing: A reader centered approach." 2nd edn, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Orlando, Florida.

Shriver. KA. 1997, Chapter 6: Dynamics in document design creating texts for readers, Wiley Computer Pub, New York.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Hi, welcome everyone who is visiting this blog. The purpose of this blog is to talk about the issues that related with media publication and design. It will be discussing about how the media affect everyone's daily life and so on. The target audience will be aimed to my course mates who currently taking COMM1043 and lecturer.