Monday, April 19, 2010

Blogging Communities

Bloggers refers to a group of people that communicate through internet and 'online community' implied a community who interacted online within some bounded set of technologies. There are three types of communities which is the Single Centric Community, the Central Connecting Topic Community and the Boundaried Community. Let me briefly discuss the 3 types of communities:

Single Centric community
The one blog is owned by one owner or organisation. There may be more than one blogger writing a blog, but this is not an aggregation of blogs. For example, I create a blog and talk about cake cuisine. Ashley, one of the readers share with me that she likes to eat cheese cake and she hope that I can teach how to make her favourite cake.

Central Connecting Topic Community
This form is a community that arises between blogs linked by a common passion or topic.

Boundaried Communities
Typically members register and 'join' the community and are offered the chance to create a blog. It can be use by a club blog or social blog.

White, N 2005, Blogs and community " launching a new paradigm for online community?", viewed 19 April 2010,

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