Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Classification of Blogs

Everyone has different reasons for them to create a blog. Hence, there are different types of blogs. The classification system of types of blogs:

1. Subject Matter
a. Politics, eg: The Wardman Wire
b. Fashion, eg: Fashioning
c. History, eg: World History
d. Law, eg: Above the Law

2. Device
Moblog, eg: Clotilde's Moblog

3. Media Type
a. Vlog is a blog that provide videos to share with readers. For example: Fusion Vlog
b. Linklog is a blog that contain links that allow readers to click and link it to another webpages. For example: Jennifer's Linklog
c. Sketchlog is a blog that have drawings and sketches to share with the readers. For example: Lubasa Sketchlog
d. Tumblelogs is a blog that contain pictures and links which also simple and short for readers to understand easily. For example: Anarchaia

4. Status of Publishers
a. Business blogs, eg: Vemma Internet Business
b. Corporate blogs, eg: Novell

In my opinion, subject matter is a good method of classification. It is easier for readers to understand the blog because the blog will only talk about specific topic.

Hewitt, J.C. 2007, "Blogging as a Publishing Business: Subject Matter Blogs", viewed 13 April 2010, http://poewar.com/blogging-as-a-publishing-business-subject-matter-blogs/.

Librari*s & Blogs 2004, "Types of Blogs", viewed 13 April 2010, http://www.slais.ubc.ca/COURSES/libr500/03-04/wt2/www/J_Thomson/types.htm.

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