Monday, April 12, 2010

Phenomenon and Benefits of Blogging to the Community

Nowadays, blogs are a common thing for individuals. There are a lot of people who have a blog these days. Blogs are personal websites that individuals use to share latest news, headlines, links and diary entries. (Werbach 2001) Blogs have become a trend that everyone will use it to communicate. People use blogs to share their interests, some people will share their feelings through blogs as well. Besides, there are online journalists that write about businesses, political and so forth. Each day, there are about 9 million blogs that were on the web. Most of the blogs will even provide links for readers to view other webpages. Some people will update their blogs within an hour, a day, a week or some will even update it at once. (Pinto 2002) The research states that readers trust the content from a blog for purchase decisions more than the content from a social networking site. Moreover, the readers think that the information that from a blog is more useful compare to information from a social networking site.

Source: Marketing Charts


James. M "The blogging Phenomenon", viewed 12 April 2010,

Jim.P 2005, "Blog phenomenon all around", viewed 12 April 2010,

Jupiter reasearch," Blog influences Consumer purchases more than social network", viewed 12 April 2010

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