Sunday, April 11, 2010

Document Design

What is a good document design?
From my viewpoint, a good document design should have a good content with specific information that support the topic. A good document will presented in correct grammar and positive issue. According to Anderson, A good document will helps readers to narrow out the main point of the document to the readers. Besides, a good doucument might help readers to think positively and encourage readers to read. ( Anderson. 1987)

In this post, I will discuss about how to produce a good document design by using the Composition to help readers work well in reading and create a document. ( Shriver, 1997)

I will using some of the slides from a course mate's presentation for example to discuss.

In this slides, the readers can seperate the headings and sub-headings easily according to the fon't size and color of the font type. Readers directly get the purpose of the slides because the headings is clear and the color chosen is sharp.

Shriver (1997) states that Effective typography means readable and legible, the apperance of text, headings and paragraphs affects the way readers apporach and understand the content.

The composition of this document is well arranged because it clearly seperate the part discussed so that readers won't confuse in reading. This helps readers to avoid missunderstanding and enjoys the reading!


Anderson, P 1987, " Technical Writing: A reader centered approach." 2nd edn, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Orlando, Florida.

Shriver. KA. 1997, Chapter 6: Dynamics in document design creating texts for readers, Wiley Computer Pub, New York.

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